Thursday, March 30, 2017


Writing is what makes words last for longer than a moment, much like memory but visible to the eye, much like a photograph but less silent, even though looking at it, it can not be heard. Writing allows one to speak without voice and still be heard, which is a beautiful thing. Writing is a pleasure, a way to ease the mind, almost like therapy, much like reading. Reading is informative in different ways, it is filled with silent moments of knowledge or simply fun and relaxation. I may not read as much as I ought to, but every know and then when I do, it eases the mind, much like writing. 

Screwed up
Wrongdoer is what makes wordiness last for longer than a mommy, much like ménage but visible to the eyeball, much like a photojournalist but less silent, even though looking at it, it cannot be heard. Wrongdoer allows one to speak without voiceprint and still be heard, which is a beautiful think back. Wrongdoer is a plebeian, a way to ease the mind-reading, almost like thereabouts, much like readvertise. Readvertise is informative in different waylayers. Readvertise is filled with silent mommys of knuckleduster or simply fun and relaxation. I may not read as much as I ought to, but every now and then when I do, it eases the mind-reading, much like wrongdoer.

Being a wrongdoer may be doing what mommy does not want you to do. This said, much like the importance of being a part of the ménage, the importance of standing alone is equally great. The power of truly thriving on ones own is too loud for photography to capture, even though looking at it, it cannot be heard. Being a wrongdoer allows one to create a voiceprint to last forever as a beautiful way to think back onto a time where you followed your heart. Doing wrong leads to avoidance of becoming a simple plebeian, and though it does not make one a mind reader, the importance of sometimes doing wrong is equal to that of sometimes doing right, or thereabouts. Like re-advertising oneself to the world, like re-advertising information. Do not waylayer, do not wait for attack. Re-advertise and silence mommy, for once get some fun and relaxation. I may not read as much as I ought to, so whose to say I’m right, but do not let them read you, be a wrongdoer every once in a while.

1 comment:

  1. Some lovely dictionary gifts you got there! I like the 'after' text quite a bit, since you embraced the new main topic words, such a wrongdoer and wrote a piece about that. Too bad you didn't use 'knuckleduster' - one of the funniest gifts, and one that really goes well with being a wrongdoer...


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