Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Maggie's Travel Diary

Authors: Carina Hjort Lennø & Ninna Jensen

Hey guys!

Thought that I would give a little update on my trip so far, since I am now at my final location before going home! I finally made it to France, it is currently 11.59 AM and I’m sitting in my hotel room reading “Red Queen”, such a great book! I overheard some amusing conversation on the train ride from the airport to Paris, and this unintelligent girl gave some interesting quotes. The best one was when she said: “Oh my god, I really want to live there!” and pointed towards a huge building, and the guy accompanying her said: “That’s the hospital.” I find the random conversations I overhear so interesting that I write some of them down. In Denmark I overheard the following conversation on the bus: Girl: “Where are we?” Boy: “Aalborg” Girl: “No..” Boy: “Try putting the filter on Snap, and then you will see!”. You simply can’t beat that argument. I have also started taking pictures of funny sign I see, and these are by far the four best ones:

  • BEWARE: Wild animals/Children
  • INTERESTED IN TIME TRAVEL? Meet here, last Thursday, 7PM
  • PLEASE BE SAFE: Do not stand, sit, climb, or lean on fences. If you fall, animals could eat you and that might make them sick. Thank you.

I saw the last sign in a Zoo, and I couldn’t help but laugh, which I did until a vicious African Crane noticed the churro I was holding and started chasing me. As if that wasn’t bad enough, a parrot called me an idiot in the same Zoo. The next day I was at the Harbor, and TWO seagulls decided to use me as a toilet. I guess birds just don’t like me.

Tomorrow I am doing some sightseeing, and my first stop will definitely be The Louvre. Since I was an Art major in college, I can’t wait to see the famous Mona Lisa. I have loved seeing The Last Supper in Milano, Mars and Venus in London, the ceiling of The Sistine Chapel in Rome, The Scream in Norway, The Starry Night in New York and Girl With A Pearl Earring in Holland, and I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am for The Louvre. I am also looking forward to trying some more French cuisine, even though my first experience wasn’t fantastic. When I arrived in Paris, I checked in and dropped my bags of at the hotel, and then headed out to find something to eat. I ended up in a cozy, little restaurant, but since the many was in French, I ended up with a steak and a side dish, which was based on mashed Tasmanian Pink-Eye potato topped with glazed sweet and yellow onions. At first I almost blurted out: “I don’t wanna eat that!” However, I tried it and even though I don’t think that will end up as my new favorite dish, it was fun to try. Who knows what I will end up with for breakfast? Maybe I should just go to the supermarket, buy some milk, and eat my trusted Quaker Oats with my ISIS sweetener as per usual.

Spoiler alert, I have also bought some gifts for my parents. Nails, a hammer and screws for my dad. I asked him what he wanted me to bring back to him from my trip, and this is what he told me. I bet he is gonna regret that, when I give my mom her favorite perfume and a MoneyLove lipstick as a gift, and he ends up with his gag gift. Luckily for him, as the good daughter that I am, I bought him a vintage Colt Defender in a pawn shop in Las Vegas, and had it shopped to my mom’s office, so he will also get a nice surprise, after I give him the gag gift.

That's it for now. See you soon!



  1. The travel writing reading protocol is mostly met, although a bit more specific Parisian local color would have been good. Also, the exotic locals seem to be more or less completely missing.
    Slightly too many lists among the ingredients, although the bird list and the anecdote it was embedded in made me laugh.

    1. We found it very difficult to incorporate everything on the list and therefore the text eventually did end up containing some lists. Regarding the lack of 'Parisian local color' and 'exotic locals', we simply ran out of room due to the word count restriction.

    2. Shift the priorities around a bit, then!

  2. I think writing this as a travel blog was a brilliant angle to incorporate the many things from the list. Especially the overheard conversations seems very natural this way!


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