Dear unborn,
It might seem
stupid to write you this letter cause I know you'll never get to read it.
However, I just had to get my feelings about you down on paper. It is the day
before the operation and I am terrified! Not because I’m afraid it will hurt or
anything, but because I’m worried that this might be a wrong decision. You were
not meant to happen but you did and I somehow feel connected to you. Not that I
can feel you or anything yet but I can definitely feel that something is
different inside my body and that it is preparing for you to grow in there. It’s
a strange thought that tomorrow you will be gone and I just have to move on
with my life. I wish it could be different but it can’t. The decision is made
and at some point it might also be the best for the both of us. Either way, I
would have loved to meet you and get to know you but that's not possible. You
were made from love and will always have a place in my heart even though I’ll
never get to be your mother…
The sentiment in the letter is well-expressed and the girl's dilemma is acutely felt by the reader who is likely to empathize. As a text based on Hemingway's story, yours fails on a few accounts, though. No reader would be able to see the original and guess that it was Hills Like... We'd need several specific elements from the original to also occur in your text to ensure that: Spain, the time of the story, and some of the characteristic phrases from the story such as the title element.