Monday, March 20, 2017

Naming of Skateboard-parts

To-day we have naming of skateboard-parts. Yesterday,
We had purchase of skateboard. And to-morrow morning,
We shall have what to do on the skateboard. But to-day,
To-day we have naming of parts. The taste of warm concrete
Meshes with the strong iron from the blood,
And to-day we have naming of skateboard-parts.

This is the skateboard. And this
is the griptape, which use you will see,
When you have applied it on the board. And this is the hardware
Which in your case is with Allen-heads. The screw of Allen
fits so eloquently into the board along with the bolt,
Which in our case is with Allen-heads.

These are the trucks, they are applied
With an easy flick of the Allen-wrench. And please do not let me
See anyone using Philips-wrenches. You can do it quite easy
If you have any strength in your thumb. The entrance is open and inviting,
Longing for the right screw, but prohibited for
Anyone using Phillips-wrenches.

And these you can see are the wheels. The purpose of these
Are to roll on the skateboard, as you see. They go round in ring
And have bearings and washers in them: we call this
Riding a skateboard. And rapidly backwards and forwards
The skaters are assaulting and shredding the obstacles:
They call it riding a skateboard.

They call it riding a skateboard: it is perfectly easy
If you have any strength in your legs: like the trucks,
And the wheels, and the skate-board, and the screws,
Which in our case are with Allen-heads; and the feeling of dopamine
Coursing through the body and the wheels going backwards and

For to-day we have naming of skateboard-parts.


  1. Very nice update in terms of content field - but what happened to the war element?
    I enjoyed the use of technical vocabulary in voice one to imitate Reed's drill sergeant. Voice two was a bit harder to come to grips with, but maybe it was the voice of the skateboarder getting off on the raw experience of the ride...
    The structure and use of catch-phrases to ensure recognizability were excellent throughout!

    1. You're the right, the war element is not so easy to spot, but skateboarders consider going to a spot to skateboard and maybe film something a war. The trying of a trick over and over again till you are bloody and hurt is the skateboarders war, which is won when the trick is landed. But it could be clearer marked.

    2. Well, that context clarifies things already. Thanks!


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