Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Women! Gotta love them

Abstract notion: Women
Function: Author

                                            creatures, lovely creatures
                                Sure you do! Not at fucking all! Funny
                         but well let me try. You all know women, right?
                   subject                                                      But! An abstract riddle.
              on this                                                                  You know one of those
        awful lot                                                                          where you ask, “anything
      know an                                                                       wrong?” and the answer
   I do not                                                                                 is “no” but then still
                                                                                                     “yes”. Well, shit
                                                                                                        becomes pretty
                                                                                                         complex then.
                                                                                                        Or when you are
                                                                                                      a jerk but do not
                                                                                                  know why, but
                                                                                                you obviously
                                                                                              are. And did you
                                                                                          wonder why she
                                                                                    chooses the douchebag
                                                                              even though she always
                                                                        complains about him?
                                                                 Nah, dude, me neither??
                                                             But fuck it! Don’t get me
                                                      wrong. I love those
                                                strange pretty fiends.
                                            Chaos is beautiful!
                                          Without chaos we
                                         wouldn’t have had
                                         this beautiful planet
                                         of ours! Ladies, take
                                        it as a compliment.
                                        And like chaos,
                                        I will probably never
                                        understand this
                                        opposite sex of me.
                                        But well, I just keep
                                        running around
                                       confused and abused,

                                     and enjoy the company
                                      of my female fellows.
                                      I guess the unknown is
                                    the most intriguing and
                                    after all this is the most
                                    unknown, so I enjoy it!

Reflection on another function: Poet

If I had chosen to write as a poet I had been able to write lines that would have been rhythmic and aesthetic in some sort of way. That solution would probably have given me the chance to write a bunch of other stuff on the specific notion, because it would have been necessary for me to find words that either rhymed or made the text sound kind of rhythmic. Compared to the author function I chose, the poem would probably have been a little bit more implicit rather than expressing itself explicit. As a poet I would probably have used rhetorical language which would have created a sense of poetry, thus, maybe make the text more intriguing to the reader.


  1. A creative execution for what is one of the most abstract and difficult subjects to comprehend possible.

  2. I like how the form of your text reflects your thoughts and feelings about women, that is really creative! Whether or not you are right in your reflection I will not comment on (but you probably are), but I will say that men are just as confusing as women!

  3. Your text is sort of an example of concrete poetry - i.e. a text that iconographically is designed to resemble that which it is about. Of course, your text is not exactly 'about' a question mark, but it does depict women as an unknown entity. It a good gimmick, and it lends more interest to your text.

    Author as an author function is a bit too unspecific to be of much use. Authors author anything: poems, plays, novels, bestseller semi-pornography... So, the comparison bit falls flat too, as poet is simply a subcategory of author.

  4. Love the visual presentation of the theme of your text. But, it was a bit confusing to read due to this exact visual priority - or maybe I'm just dumb.. :D. Anyhow, I really enjoyed how your visual presentation depicted an abstract notion rather than a concrete one, this made it a bit more powerful. Good job.

  5. First off, I love the originality of the visual presentation of your text. I only had a few problems with it, which some here have already stated. Things such as the difficulty of reading. Other than that, this was a fun read. Great work!

  6. I am sort of in love with the visual presentation of this text as the reader is required to put more effort into reading it than they normally would do with a regular poem. However, it bothers me that the part of the text that is to represent the "dot" of the question mark begins after a comma instead of a period. Otherwise, it is a intersting take on women being an unknown entity.

  7. I enjoyed the visual presentation very much, however I didn't know how to read the first couple of lines, because it looks like you didn't go from left to right, like we normally do when we write and read. I love how all your thoughts on women just came out with no filter :-)

  8. Great visual presentation, clever idea!
    The poem is at first a bit difficult to read (maybe just like women) but as soon as you get the hang of it, it's easy and exciting to read. Nicely done!


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