Monday, March 6, 2017

Hills Like White Elephants

Dear diary,
It still seems that Jig and I are unable to have a normal conversation without ending up bickering about the smallest of things.

I love her, I really do. Yet sometimes I just find her so frustrating! Sometimes, everything she says and does just bothers me to no end!

The main reason for all these arguments is the child, and I think she seems to understand that as well.

Spain is peaceful in contrast to the rest of the world. which allowed us to sit and talk by the Ebro today. We argued about the unborn child again, of course. Once again, I mentioned the operation, yet I was still unable to figure out exactly how she felt about getting the abortion. I tried to be supportive, and I told her that no matter what she chose, I would always love her. However, I do hope that she has chosen the abortion for her own sake as well as my own. I cannot imagine either of us being prepared for parenthood.

Things would be so much easier if we were not having this child at all...

She has agreed to go through with the operation, though. I just hope it will be able to solve our problems...


  1. You capture the male character's vague and uncertain/immature nature really well in this diary entry from his point of view. A few more recognizable, borrowed elements from the original story would be needed to guarantee the reader would see what story your text is based on: the title element, perhaps - and the Spanish setting and the period of the 1920s...

  2. I liked that you used the diary and how this made us understand his character more and perhaps making him more likeable!

  3. Thank you for your comments. I have attempted to make a few changes :)


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