Saturday, March 25, 2017

War between the social media and the yellow and blue stripes

To-day we have naming of unfit behaviour at the workplace. Yesterday,
We had active selling. And to-morrow morning,
We shall have what to do after a customer conflict. But to-day,
To-day we have naming of unfit behaviour at the workplace. Code of conduct
A professional constructed noun used to describe a set of rules.
And to-day we have naming of unfit behaviour at the workplace.

This is unfit behaviour at the workplace. And this
Is also unfit behaviour at the workplace, as you will see,
When I compare the two examples. And this is unfit behaviour on the internet
Which in your case you will not do. The code of conduct
seem so simple, so easy to understand for everyone
But then again so hard to follow.

This is how not to use the social media, which will be examples
Of people who portray the company in a bad way. And please do not let me
See anyone do the following. You could do this quite easy  
If you exhibit yourself on the social media. The rules
Are becoming more and more personal, never letting anyone forget
That we are nothing but the company that we represent.  

And this you can see is an example. The purpose of this
Is to exemplify consequences, as you see. We can watch it
Rapidly over and over again: we call this 
exemplifying consequences. And rapidly over and over again
I shall learn from those who came before me.
They call it exemplifying consequences.

They call it the code of conduct of the yellow and blue stripes
If you have any common sense, you must know that humans are destined to make mistakes
And they still teach us that we must be smarter than the ones before us
Which can only be done by following the rules, and the sound of the code of conduct
Silent in all of the departments. We are all nothing more than puppets in a larger game.
     For to-day we have naming of unfit behaviour at the workplace.


  1. What are the yellow and the blue stripes? I don't get the reference...
    The content of the poem is a little vague. Notice how Reed's first voice is always super-concrete, naming with great precision the various parts - whereas your first voice is rather unspecific: "This is unfit behaviour at the workplace. And this/Is also unfit behaviour at the workplace, as you will see,/When I compare the two examples." Try for greater precision.
    Most of the catch-phrases are easily recognized from the Reed original, so that is good. The structure is also reproduced well, with the exception of the final stanza which simply grows too big and bulky, because too much recapitulation is stuffed into it - plus some new stuff. Slim it down if you can!

    1. I feel that I have to state that I work at the IKEA Aalborg, and "The Yellow and Blue Stripes" is therefore a reference to this


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