Thursday, March 30, 2017


Writing is what makes words last for longer than a moment, much like memory but visible to the eye, much like a photograph but less silent, even though looking at it, it can not be heard. Writing allows one to speak without voice and still be heard, which is a beautiful thing. Writing is a pleasure, a way to ease the mind, almost like therapy, much like reading. Reading is informative in different ways, it is filled with silent moments of knowledge or simply fun and relaxation. I may not read as much as I ought to, but every know and then when I do, it eases the mind, much like writing. 

Screwed up
Wrongdoer is what makes wordiness last for longer than a mommy, much like ménage but visible to the eyeball, much like a photojournalist but less silent, even though looking at it, it cannot be heard. Wrongdoer allows one to speak without voiceprint and still be heard, which is a beautiful think back. Wrongdoer is a plebeian, a way to ease the mind-reading, almost like thereabouts, much like readvertise. Readvertise is informative in different waylayers. Readvertise is filled with silent mommys of knuckleduster or simply fun and relaxation. I may not read as much as I ought to, but every now and then when I do, it eases the mind-reading, much like wrongdoer.

Being a wrongdoer may be doing what mommy does not want you to do. This said, much like the importance of being a part of the ménage, the importance of standing alone is equally great. The power of truly thriving on ones own is too loud for photography to capture, even though looking at it, it cannot be heard. Being a wrongdoer allows one to create a voiceprint to last forever as a beautiful way to think back onto a time where you followed your heart. Doing wrong leads to avoidance of becoming a simple plebeian, and though it does not make one a mind reader, the importance of sometimes doing wrong is equal to that of sometimes doing right, or thereabouts. Like re-advertising oneself to the world, like re-advertising information. Do not waylayer, do not wait for attack. Re-advertise and silence mommy, for once get some fun and relaxation. I may not read as much as I ought to, so whose to say I’m right, but do not let them read you, be a wrongdoer every once in a while.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Writing Game 12

Link to writing game 12:

Assessment of Opening Sources (WG12,B)

For those who are unaware or cannot remember, “Opening Sources” is an interactive hypertext on the internet which features a poem, permanently available to be altered by anonymous authors. People are allegedly encouraged to improve the poem with their contributive configurations, but as one would have surmised, the text has been distorted into a barely cohesive mess over the years consisting of conjoined fragments of randomness. There are no traces left of the text which originally served as the template for people to interact with when the writing process was initiated in the year of 2008, and as an inevitable consequence fabricated by the perks of anonymity, the text has also been subjected to a great deal of perversion associated with obscenity. Although this observation could also have been derived from many other dark corners of the internet, such as Youtube where highly offensive remarks are blurted out in the comment section frequently, “Open Sources” has exemplified how the infestation of obscenity will ooze out of people's minds when they are granted the opportunity to do so with no fear of reprisals. There is no sense of collaboration to detect between the authors and people are seemingly more inclined to modify the text with minor alterations meant to produce a giggle, rather than putting time and effort into creating something intellectually stimulating and worthwhile. Even if one deviant author was lucky enough to access the poem at a moment where there would be no interference and possessed by the aspiration to write anything meaningful, it would only be a matter of time before someone else appeared to thwart the respectable intention. Nothing is carved in stone at “Opening Sources”, and when power is distributed to all, the subject is condemned to remain mired in chaos.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Naming of Retards

To-day we have naming of retards. Yesterday,
We talked about how ASD is a gift from God. And to-morrow morning,
We shall argue why we are so much better than the neurotypicals. But to-day,
To-day we have naming of retards. Asperger’s,
Atypical autism and infantile autism,
          And to-day we have naming of retards.

This is the Henny, I mean antidepressant. And this
Is the magic mushroom, I mean fungus, which use you will see,
When you are given your psychoactive drugs. And this is the therapy session,
Which in your case you have not got. The brain
Is a distinct grey matter and the thoughts are clear and separated,
          Which in our case we have not got.

This is the catch, which is to always keep up your guards
And never reveal the truth to the neurotypicals. And please do not let me
See anyone letting their guards down. You can do it quite easy
If you have any strength in your soul. The steps
Are fragile and dangerous, never letting anyone see
          Any of them letting their guards down.

And this you can see is the chisel. The purpose of this
Is to open the brain, as you see. We can slide it
Rapidly backwards and forwards: we call this
Letting out steam. And rapidly backwards and forwards
The autism is assaulting and fumbling the soul:
          They call it letting out steam.

They call it letting out steam: it is perfectly easy
If you have any strength in your soul: like the chisel,
And the brain, and the self-control, and the social skills,
Which in our case we have not got; and the silent
Ignorant bliss in all of the grey matters and the autism going backwards and forwards,
          For to-day we have naming of retards.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Writing Game 11

To-day we have mowing down civilians. Yesterday,
 We had going to strip-clubs. And tomorrow morning,
We shall drink our day away. But to-day,
To-day we have mowing down civilians. Screams
Ring throughout the nearby hills like fans at a rock concert,
            And to-day we have mowing down civilians.

This is a rocket launcher. And this
Is a rocket launcher missile, whose use you will see,
When you are given your launchers. And this is an even bigger launcher,
Which in your case you have not got. The civilians
Run around, their gestures showing all of their emotions
Which in your case you have not.

This is the hospital, from which you’ve been released
Without even signing a thing. Although please do not forget
To pay for the care they’ve provided. It’s only a small amount
And it is over quickly. The body
is a delicate product of nature, one foreign body entering
And it is over quickly.

And this you can see is a car. There are many purposes for this
Such travelling from point A to point B. You can take any car
You’d like to drive: we call this
Grand theft auto. The gears in the car work together
Like a lock pick and a car door:
            And we call this grand theft auto.

They call it GTA: it is a perfect game
It does not induce violence: like a gun in a man’s hands,
And the graphics does not make it anymore real,
Which in the case of politicians does not matter a thing;
And the words fly out of the television screen like rain on a Fall morning.
            Which in the case of politicians does not matter a thing.

War between the social media and the yellow and blue stripes

To-day we have naming of unfit behaviour at the workplace. Yesterday,
We had active selling. And to-morrow morning,
We shall have what to do after a customer conflict. But to-day,
To-day we have naming of unfit behaviour at the workplace. Code of conduct
A professional constructed noun used to describe a set of rules.
And to-day we have naming of unfit behaviour at the workplace.

This is unfit behaviour at the workplace. And this
Is also unfit behaviour at the workplace, as you will see,
When I compare the two examples. And this is unfit behaviour on the internet
Which in your case you will not do. The code of conduct
seem so simple, so easy to understand for everyone
But then again so hard to follow.

This is how not to use the social media, which will be examples
Of people who portray the company in a bad way. And please do not let me
See anyone do the following. You could do this quite easy  
If you exhibit yourself on the social media. The rules
Are becoming more and more personal, never letting anyone forget
That we are nothing but the company that we represent.  

And this you can see is an example. The purpose of this
Is to exemplify consequences, as you see. We can watch it
Rapidly over and over again: we call this 
exemplifying consequences. And rapidly over and over again
I shall learn from those who came before me.
They call it exemplifying consequences.

They call it the code of conduct of the yellow and blue stripes
If you have any common sense, you must know that humans are destined to make mistakes
And they still teach us that we must be smarter than the ones before us
Which can only be done by following the rules, and the sound of the code of conduct
Silent in all of the departments. We are all nothing more than puppets in a larger game.
     For to-day we have naming of unfit behaviour at the workplace.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

His Last Duchess

Today I completed another painting for the Duke
And once more I was assured, that man is a kook
I had promised myself never to take part in his schemes again
As I feel each painting is a love letter written in vain  
Alas, a man of my position, was not able to make such a decision
The thought of each new Duchess fills me with fear
And to ease their fate I put compliments in their ear
The Duke’s presence seems to make each girl worry
As his got a mind you can tell is scurry
Alas, my paintings makes me ache, as I feel each is a crime to make

He has one made every year
And I fear, they are nothings more than a souvenir
He clings his greatness to his nine-hundred-year old name
But with his endless horror he brings it only to shame
Alas, those paintings behinds the curtain will be his legacy, lives ended with his jealousy

War on social media

War on social media

Today we have about war on social media. Yesterday,

We had about narcissism. And tomorrow morning

We shall have about selfishness. But to-day,

To-day we have about social media. We live in a world

Where social media has taken control  

       And to-day we have about war on social media.

This is Facebook and this is Instagram,

Who’s use you will see, when you are giving your likes

And this is Twitter, which allows you to expresses your opinion,

The people who are not users of social media

Hold in their minds and eloquent gestures,

        Which in our case we have not got.

This is the internet, which is where Identity is released,

Whit an easy flick of the tomb. And please do not let me

See anyone using their finger. This is quite easy

If you have any strength in your finger. The internet

Is fragile and motionless, always letting you see

       What has been posted online.

And this you can see is the post button. The purpose of this

Is to open the breach, as you see. We use it to share

Glimpses of our everyday life. We call this

Seeking for attention. And rapidly posting and sharing

The many followers are assaulting and fumbling the posts:

       They call it seeking for attention.

They call it seeking for attention: it is perfectly easy

If you have any strength in your thumb: like the post button,

And the breach, and the privacy, and the point of dignity,

Which in our case we have not got; and the lack of real life socialization

Silent we sit together and share another selfie

      For to-day we have about war on social media.


To-day we have naming of hot boyband members. Yesterday,
We had daily affirmations to change. And to-morrow morning,
We shall have time to go look at boys. But to-day,
To-day we have naming of hot boyband members. Monica’s blonde hair and bare skin
Glistens like coral in the neighboring gardens,
          And to-day we have naming of hot boyband members.

This is the joker of the group. And this
Is the mysterious one of the group, whose use you will see,
When you are given your copies of their albums. And this is the best singer, who’s allure
Which in your case is quite difficult to understand. The sun shines on her beautiful face, as she moves with silent, eloquent gestures, who’s allure
          Which in our case is quite difficult to understand.

This is the best dancer, who is always released
As soon as the music starts. And please do not let me
See anyone talking amongst yourselves. You can make this quite easy
If you only pay attention now. Her body
looks fragile even in motion, never letting anyone see
          Her beautiful smile.

And here you can see is the so-called background members. The purpose of these
is to look good, as you see. We can see them moving
Rapidly backwards and forwards on stage: we call this
pleasing the eye. And rapidly backwards and forwards
The beautiful Monica dances as she eases my eyes with her body’s movements:
          They call it pleasing the eye.

They call it pleasing the eye: it is perfectly easy to see why
When you see them smiling and dancing on stage: the best dancer,
And the best singer, and the mysterious one, and the background members,
Which in our case might be difficult to understand; and the beautiful Monica
Dancing in the neighboring gardens and the dancing backwards and forwards,
          For to-day we have naming of boyband members.