Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Somewhat Disconnected

This is just a bunch of ramblings made explicit in writing by a coercive force not of my own design, something other and outer, subjugating this doubter. This wasn’t supposed to rhyme, though rhythm and poetry has helped shape my mind with references and connotations defining this self, and severely affecting its mental health. I hope that this leaves you with a reading of this text where you find it neither interesting nor wise as I accidentally fucked my muse, now she’s laying broken and bruised. Didn’t even recognize her, only as a strain on my brain, a train of thought rendering me insane. Now I find myself comfortably numb and listening to Nirvana’s ‘Dumb’ “… maybe just happy…maybe just happy.” And in this state I shall embrace whatever this journey towards life’s end - not fate, as that is a silly notion, even though it rhymed with ‘state' - will bring. Like a wise man once said: “curse to heavens and laugh when the sky electrocutes me” – and why it intrigues me? Because it’s rooted in me deeply.


  1. Chaotic poem with "a bunch of ramblings" that has been subtly strung together to form a point, wether this was your intention or not. Strong work.

  2. Rhyming prose is not that common... I think the working up of material and inspiration from your backwards phrase could do with one more write-through to sharpen the points and either develop or drop the points that don't get properly dealt with before they are moved away from. Here it's particularly the notion of accidentally 'fucking the muse' I am thinking of. A rewrite would also strengthen the focus to be given to the speaker/protagonist...
    As a backwards phrase "interesting, nor wise" is one of the easy kind: a 3-word mirror phrase revolving around 'and', 'or' etc.


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