Skateboarding is a crime?
Skateboarding is better than rollerblading
Skateboarding is 100000000% better that all other sports
Skateboarding is for me
Skateboarding is not for sale
Skateboarding is not a crime
Skateboarding is fun
Skateboarding is a way of life
Skateboarding is cool
Skateboarding is damn fun
Skateboarding is the shit sukka
Skateboarding is my life
Skateboarding is one of the popular activities of today
Skateboarding is rad
Skateboarding is a sin
Skateboarding is still not a crime
Skateboarding is not a sin
Skateboarding is a crime
Skateboarding is
Skateboarding is life
Yeah - makes way too much sense to be utterly unoriginal! The re-arrangement you have performed of the lines from the Googlism output generator makes the poem into a statement about values and life-style, much like a normal poem would be...