Monday, February 20, 2017

“My Last Duchess“ from the new bride’s point of view

I am to be given away,
However this duke will me not sway,
For I knew the painter who painted the last lady.
He said that her death was rather shady
And now I cannot help but think
He murdered her without a blink
In his horrible eyes.

Now I sit before him
And I cannot help it, but he is rather grimm.
I do not want to marry him, but father insists
For he wants that extra gold on his wrists.
I want to refuse this man
And hit him with a frying pan,
For he deserves it. 


  1. A good structure and a fun perspective.

  2. Good choice of perspective, and nice touch that the Next Duchess is already in the know, thanks to Fra P.
    Of course, your choice of speaker means that she has no access to the details of what motivates the Duke in the previous marriage/murder, which is really too bad...

  3. Love the combination of the old-fashioned sentence structures and the more modern word choice such as "shady" and "frying pan" :)

  4. I love how this is serious, yet extremely humorous, whilst still following the plot of the original poem. Well done! :)

  5. While I enjoy the perspective, the things I enjoy most about your poem are the final lines of each stanza. The breaking of the rhyming is quite nice.


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