Sunday, February 26, 2017

Love of an Artist WG 8

Author: Poet

Notion: Love

Love of an Artist

Oh, I have asked myself over and over again.

Why did I marry thee, fool of all fools?

Thy love hast caused the hate that swallows me

Yet love so treach’rous that it besieged me

My misery is but a catamaran

On a relatively black and roaring sea

Oh, love thine absence is an endless drought

Love is not take and take from thy best friend

So why was that then thy primary thought

Didn’t I adore thine whims and weird sent’ments

A ventriloquist thou wanted to be

With a puppet looking a bit like me

It had my name because of love thou saidst -

Love complete? The ultimate disgrace!

T’was a humiliation beyond belief

In the cabaret, thou hadst great success

Thine act was all thou desiredst in this life

But love? – no I think ‘twas such a charade

Love is fickle as the wind in the feathers

Of the soaring eagle that graces the sky

Temporary like sun on a winter’s day

While thy slim bank account grew day by day

hath love like morning dew withered away



The notion of love is here dealt with as a poem. It is not intended to rhyme. The point of view is here the first person point of view that makes it very subjective. If it would have been an article in a newspaper in the news section, it would probably have focused on the success of the ventriloquist, his way to success and it would have been from the third person point of view that would endeavor to be objective and informative. The language would have been contemporary without such anachronistic terms like “thee” and “hath”. If the notion of love had been the focus in the article, it would perhaps been in the form of an essay which is a very broad genre that can be more or less objective.








1 comment:

  1. The poem comes across a bit strange and inauthentic because it uses the archaic language, but does not rhyme as a poem from the period where such language was employed invariably would have...
    That said, I enjoyed some of the metaphors, such as a the catamaran one (again an anachronism). The device of the ventriloquist as the primary persona other than the speaker also worked really well.
    The reflection essay is a bit too general in its remarks. Your poem is actually not that personal, and essays are as a starting point very personal.


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