Sunday, February 19, 2017

The Grace of Mine

My love once told me that a warm day of June can't match my grace. And that as long as his words hang in mid air, his words would be true. My grace will live on.


  1. Confession: Had to cheat with mid air... I know it is mid-air, and also that linger would be much more suitable. But you know, that darn one-syllable rule.

  2. You found the one-syllable rule restrictive, but you stuck with it nicely. There's always synonyms - that is the nice thing about a rich language such as English. Grace could have been varied, for instance with 'poise'. 'Last' is also a good verb, perhaps followed by a few adverbs.
    As for the story requirement, you changed the view-point from the speaker's to the addressee's, which of course is fine. But that would also give you an opportunity to show her/his independent view-point, which you don't.


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