Saturday, February 11, 2017


Fuck! A sound that sounds like luck,
Fuck fuck fuck!

I watch the clock, tic toc tic toc,
Fuck fuck fuck!

When life is out of luck,
Fuck fuck fuck!

Sometimes things just suck,
Fuck fuck fuck!

Sometimes it gets enough,
Fuck fuck fuck!

Sometimes let that fuck,
Fuck fuck fuck!


  1. I believe this must be a "public" poem, meaning that it is the kind that has to be read out loud by the poet himself. I will look forward to that.

  2. This seems like the perfect depiction of what goes through my mind during certain courses of which I shall not mention. Sometimes, the bettery on my phone runs dry because I keep switching it on to check the clock every five minutes.

  3. I guess that is 'inspired' by one too many long classes. I liked the rhymes and the unpretentious backwards fuck-phrase...

  4. Oh I like this poem so much! This is absolutely one of my favorite words to use, and the fact that you have made a poem with relatable situations using that word makes me so happy!

  5. If only you hadn't used the word 'luck' two times, the poem would have been perfect! Describes my life so well...


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