Sunday, April 2, 2017

Writing game 8: author function

Writing game 8: author function

-       Choose an author function and an abstract notion: writer and happiness

Happiness is the very best feeling in the world; it is an emotion felt by every creature in the world regardless of anything. The happy 60’s is one of the greatest examples of true happiness, whereas Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and the current Danish government have defined happiness contradictorily to the way sane people would preferably define the term – or is that really the case? I mean: what is the right definition of true happiness? It is indeed a subjective discussion due to people from all around the world having very different definitions – and God bless that solidarity!
I do want to share my thoughts about happiness, but first allow me to access other people’s minds and learn more about happiness – I’m not a psychologist, so the following are just assumptions:
Some people find happiness when reading a book of any genre; they find peace and harmony in complete silence.
Other people seek happiness when going on a larger journey, where they experience other cultures and get a rush from all of the action such an expedition might offer

I, however, enjoy happiness either when spending time with my friend or listening to music.


  1. Interesting notion you picked, which made me think about what happiness really is. Maybe 'writer' is too unspecific? But bold choice anyway, to just write something down. I like the fact that you acknowledge, that happiness mean something different to diffrent people and that you ended your story by telling what makes you happy - that provides a personal touch :-)

  2. Writer is definitely too unspecific an author function to pick. Most of the functions are related to creating texts within a specific genre or with a specific function, and that would be the minimum expectation. What you have written is a type of essay, I would say, so the real author function is perhaps 'essayist', or even 'scribbler' as the piece is not entirely coherent subject-wise.


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